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Amaryllis can be planted at any time of year provided they can be given adequate warmth, water and light.
If your winter temperatures are expected to remain above 5 degrees Celsius then you can leave your amaryllis outside. If you experience frost in your region, or you have temperatures regularly below 5 degree Celsius then you should lift your amaryllis and bring it indoors to a cool sheltered place during winter. Partly- shaded is alright, but amaryllis prefer to be given maximum sunlight.
Many florists and garden centres sell Hadeco amaryllis during Fall. There are several websites that also offer Hadeco amaryllis:
(If you wish to add a website link please let us know)
An amaryllis bulb flowers at the start of its active season. Once flowering has finished, you should provide regular watering and feeding for at least three months. This needs to be combined with sunlight and heat (20 – 30 deg C). In nature the amaryllis remains active for 6 months after flowering. In this time it makes the new embryo flowers for the next season and swells itself up with nutrients. At the end of the active season, when temperatures cool, you should restrict watering and allow the leaves to fade. Once the leaves are a little brown and dried, you can remove the bulbs from the soil. Store in a paper bag in a cool place (5 deg C to 14 deg C) for at least 2 months. This provides the bulb with a much needed rest.
Amaryllis prefer a fertiliser high in Potassium, low in Nitrogen. Regular feeding for three months after flowering is most important to producing new blooms for next season.
An amaryllis that has been deprived of nutrients or sunlight or recieved stress in its previous growing season and may not form and in its previous growing season may not form and keep its embryo buds for the following season. This can happen if you keep an amaryllis in a pot without adding fertiliser for more than one season. An embryo bud can also abort its flowers if the bulb is stressed – lack of water can also lead to this issue.
Harsh winters can cause embryo buds to abort. Bring your amaryllis into a sheltered cool place during winter and allow it a dormancy (by withholding water).
Amaryllis are fond of intense sunlight. If they are deprived of sufficient light their leaves will become longer and paler. Place the amaryllis in a position of maximum sunlight. Artificial lighting can help a little also.
It is ok to pinch the flower heads away from the small stalks (pedicels) but it is better to leave the main stem in place. It provides photosynthesis for the bulb.
Once the seed pod has dried and opened you may plant the seeds in fine washed river sand or a fine soil. Plant by pushing the seeds into the soil very slightly. Keep moist and warm. Covering the container with a plastic bag as a cover (like a small “greenhouse”) can help keep the soil from drying out in the first few weeks.